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FAQ: Hospitality Services

  • Hospitality Services Scope

    The insurement of  the appropriate environment for the reception of new knowledge. The comprehension of critical notions and the change of established perceptions demand the appropriate accommodation environment. In cooperation with companies that provide touristy services we shape the proper hosting conditions and we supervise the implementation standards when it is requested by companies that are interested in training – information.

  • What do Hospitality Services include ?

    Through cooperation with the companies that are interested in training – information, the hospitality services include:

    • The choice of the right place for your stay among a number of Places of Powerful and Positive Influence in the country where the meeting will be held.
    • The formation of your accommodation program and the program of your training – information on the IPC – Net Concept and the areas of knowledge that you are interested in. 
    • The training implementation on subjects concerning Entrepreneurship Diffusion and the Improvement of the Intelligence Status.
    • Your distance support, after your departure, for the comprehension of applications relative to the subjects of training or/and support through visits in your Company. 
  • Which may be the results of the use of Hospitality services?

    • You can disperse important messages about the further development of your Business.
    • You can shape the basis for the Planning of Important Changes.
    • You can provide knowledge to your main Executives on a Concept already tested, that diffuses Entrepreneurship in a practical way in all operation levels of the Company (see relevant information material in the section: “Entrepreneurship Diffusion”).
    • You can provide knowledge to your main Executives on time management and the relation of time with the Intelligence Process and the Outstanding Performance. That knowledge is not so much related to the quantitative dimension of time management, i.e. where and how I allocate my time, but mainly to its qualitative dimension. In other words, the conditions on which time leads the Intelligence Process to results related to Outstanding Performance with Perspective are documented (see presentation in the section: “Time, Intelligence Process and Outstanding Performance”).

