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FAQ: Intelligence Status improvement

  • Why should the Intelligence Status improvement be a constant Internal Process ?

    • The Intelligence improvement of a Business – Organization, which is the Intelligence improvement of Leadership and Executives, is a prerequisite and more essential objective than the processes, tools and techniques application that improve the organization. The Intelligence development in an Organization could be set as  a constant internal process with an application plan and results evaluation.
    • The same process, the same tool, the same technique can acquire a totally different application speed, performance and value from Enterprise to Enterprise. At the end, what adds value to a process is the Intelligence approach by the people who have to implement it (Management and Executives). In other words, performance is the result of the way that they perceive the need, the rules, the method of application and the post-development of the process. A high level of Intelligence in a group means high performances of processes and quick adjustment to new circumstances.
    • The high level of Intelligence shapes: a) a positive climate within the Enterprise - Organization, b) a creative environment that leads to constant and substantial improvement, c) the Executives’ and suppliers’ willingness to offer, d) loyalty on behalf of the customers.
    • It is absurd to discuss exhaustively and trying to improve the quality and cost of products and services, without recognizing that the significant change comes from changes in  the leadership teams’ perceptions and behaviors.
  • Why the Intelligence Status management of leadership teams should become a constant, systematic, internal process ?

    Through the systematic management of the leadership teams’ Intelligence Status, the business plans acquire quality and the executives’ strong forecasting ability. The changes inside the Organization, which occur mainly as a sequence of the external environment changes, acquire the best possible Perspective.
    The Non-recognition and non-systematic management of the leadership teams’ “Intelligence Gaps” cannot be a taboo. It is absurd to discuss exhaustively and trying to improve the quality and cost of products and services without recognizing that significant change comes from changes in the leadership teams’ perceptions and behaviors.

  • The application steps in practice – Applications for the Intelligence Status improvement

    1. Deficiencies on Principles, Values and Skills – Capacities are defined mainly through the malfunctions of critical processes of the Organization (definition of the “Intelligence Gaps” of the Organization).
    2. The proper framework of Principles, Values and Skills – Capacities is defined. The target is to turn “OBSERVATION” and “CONSCIOUSNESS” into an obviously evidential action within the Organization (see paragraph 5 below).
    3. The proper Principles, Values and Skills – Capacities are defined and embodied in every Critical Process and they constitute the base for the operation and evaluation of its implementation. The implementation of certain Principles, Values and Skills – Capacities is the fundamental prerequisite for the Process operation and it is achieved through specific implementation and evaluation actions.
    4. The implementation degree of Principles, Values and Skills – Capacities, that have been embodied in Critical Processes, is introduced to the system of Performance Evaluation and Management. Through this and the previous paragraph we ensure a climate that encourages processes’ maximum performance and best possible results (embodiment of the “Spontaneous - Latent Creation” to Critical Processes – Operations).
    5. There is a constant effort of altering the Intelligence Status of the Organization (perceptions and behaviors) by giving priority to the alteration of  the leadership teams’ Intelligence Status, through “Parallel Projects” that directly combine the Intelligence development of Executives with the basic development of the critical processes of Businesses . What comes before, is an informational stage, during which the Leadership realizes the reality of the authentication of the Concept of IPC-Net for Intelligence development; it realizes the expected effects in practice. 
