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Our Vision

EDUCATION in which “OBSERVATION” and experiential perception of the Intelligence Process are the base of its function. The use of logic (knowledge and experiences), is restricted in the necessary educational and managerial operations.

Difference between Intelligence and Logic

There is a big difficulty to see the enormous difference between Intelligence and Logic in the area of Education and Research and in many other areas such as Health, Businesses, Governmental Organizations and others. There is a systematic reproduction and expansion of Logic, ignoring Intelligence and its potentials. This results to a huge waste of resources in the areas of Education and Research and in all other areas. Through Logic, every system reproduces itself and constantly expands without using the amount of resources that is equivalent to its usefulness.

The Purpose of Education

Based on the above we can see clearly that the purpose of Education, as we know it today, is mostly the dissemination of a large amount of specialized information, which usually composes useless details and knowledge that don’t have any practical implementation. The accumulation of wealth of information, degrees and qualifications doesn’t contribute proportionally in professional rehabilitation and doesn’t act in order to form people (personalities) with better mental balance, along with significant social abilities which can contribute to a better world.

IPC-Net develops the “EDUCATION” Activity in order to implement Actions through a specialized, for Education, Network and through specific Business Plans in order to achieve changes. These changes are determined by the Vision for the “EDUCATION” Activity and the IPC-Net Mission.

For this purpose

We develop

a specialized Network with members from all the areas which are related to Education and Research all over the world. The IPC-Net Open Social Network exists in order to investigate and discover whatever is important and essential about the Intelligence Processes and most importantly, to act for the transference of these discoveries into the daily business practices.

We Define

the Intelligence Process as the combination of three situations, which are: a) Information Gathering & Management, b) Information Relativity, which means evaluating and choosing Information as well as interpreting Information and c) Information Timing, meaning the coordination and concurrence of Information, set-up of information, synchronicity (something that we call conjuncture or luck).

We explore

the aspects of the Intelligence process which have to do with Inspiration, Insight and Intuition which are necessary mental states for Transcendency in the field of Education and Research. Furthermore, we investigate how Time or Absence of Time contribute to Inspiration, Insight and Intuition and finally to the development of the Intelligence and Outstanding Performance

We support

the transference of our Mission in practice through the daily Business and Organization’s activities which are relative to the “EDUCATION” Activity, by amplifying the Entrepreneurship Diffusion and the Outstanding Performance

We ensure

the appropriate conditions, contributing in the creation of an appropriate environment which supports the acceptance of the new knowledge, participates in the Intelligence growth and limits Logic only in the areas which is necessary.

We act

for the development of a perception on Business Administration which recognizes the continuous Intelligence Status Improvement of the Management and Executives as a basic priority and makes it a process with plan, action and evaluation.

