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Vision - Mission - Scope

Our Vision

A global social network where the Intelligence Process development is a continuous internal operation. This network disseminates the Intelligence process development in Companies and Organizations and supports relative applications for those who are interested.
Logic should be used only in the areas where necessary. Companies and Organizations should not try in vain to plan their future based on logic, which means on data (knowledge and experience) from the past, but they should let Intelligence unfold.

Our Scope

The systematic observation and the emperical research - experiment decisively support the relationship between the Intelligence Process and the Material - Sensorial Creation. The scientifical and technological revolution in the Western World was based on this approach of Knowledge. Observation and experiment are the basis for the Material Creation, the creation though experience, the creation through time.

The understanding of the affect of the Absence of Time, not as something philosophical, theological or metaphysical, but as something that has practical implications in our daily life, reveals a new dimension of the notions of “OBSERVATION” and “CONSCIOUSNESS”.

We, the members of the IPC – Net, by “OBSERVING” all the above:

Combine the views concerning Time and its Absence

Define & Understand the Intelligence

Explore the aspects of the Intelligence Process

In this case, the triptych “OBSERVATION”, “CONSCIOUSNESS” and “EXPERIMENT” acquires a new perspective. This triptych defines a new situation concerning the Material - Sensorial Creation with Perspective and the Outstanding Performance. “EXPERIMENT” doesn’t have the “strict” scientific notion but it includes the repeated experiential confirmation (truth) of a fact or a procedure. If something is repeatedly confirmed in the above way, then it constitutes a truth in an individual – personal level. A truth of a long perspective.    
as the combination of three situations, which are:
a) Information Gathering & Management,
b) Information Relativity, which means evaluating and choosing Information as well as interpreting Information and
c) Information Timing, meaning the coordination and concurrence of Information, set-up of information, synchronicity (something that we call conjuncture or luck).
that have to do with Inspiration, Insight and Intuition, necessary mental situations for Transcendency. Furthermore, we inquire into how Time or the Absence of Time contribute to Inspiration, Insight and Intuition and finally to the development of Intelligence with Perspective and Outstanding Performance.

Act for the development of a perception

Support the transference of all the above in practice

Ensure the right conditions

on the Business and Organization Management which acknowledges the continuous Intelligence Status Improvement of Management and Executives as a basic priority, and makes it a process with plan, action and evaluation.
through daily Business activities, mentioned above, by integrating simple methods, tools and techniques which, along with the appropriate environment, effectively amplify the Entrepreneurship Diffusion and Outstanding Performance.
that promote perceptions and behaviors and shape the appropriate environment that supports the acceptance and continuous evolution of new knowledge concerning the Intelligence development and the use of Logic only where necessary (repeats, orientation in space and time). The IPC-Net open Social Network exists in order to investigate and discover whatever is important and essential concerning the Intelligence Processes and most importantly, to act for the transference of these discoveries to the daily Business practices.
